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When I introduce Romanticism to my students, I start by playing them clips from the documentary Grizzly Man. Grizzly Man's whole identify is tied up with his protection of the bears and the time spend in their habitat. It's a completely illogical venture, but he's there anyway because he is following his heart...a core tenant of Romanticism.
I've always wanted to show the entire documentary to my AP students but cannot since it is rated!
I still like to talk a little bit about Grizzly Man, though, with my AP Language and Composition students  because he inspires great discussion! I use the following clips as the opening activity for a unit that focuses on the different types of relationships between man and nature.
I found these clips that are free of rants/graphic descriptions, and f-bombs. It will take about 15 minutes to watch all of these in a row. Below the clips are some handouts that you can use with the students.
Kind Warrior clip:
Bear fight:
Lastly, if you wanted to do some more formal analysis with the Grizzly Man clips, I recommend reading The Reel Classroom for how to formally teach film analysis.
I hope you enjoy using these Grizzly Man clips in your classroom!